Categories: Coldburn Cottage

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Greenhouse family – Oct 2022

Can’t recall how many times we have visited the valley, but each time is like the first wonderful stay. We love the peace and the quietness, we love the wildlife, many birds, hares, deer and a very special barn owl sighting. Walks in the valley are spectacular – the dogs are very tired!
The cottage is always warm and cosy and the College Valley team always make sure it is super clean and welcoming. Many, many thanks to you all. We have been feeding the birds this week to help them get ready for winter. See you again soon Coldburn.

Whittle family and Roscoe the Springer – Oct 2022

Our ninth visit to College Valley and our second stay at Coldburn Cottage – our holidays here never disappoint.
The cottage, as always, was beautifully presented and spotlessly clean in arrival. Everything you could possibly need is provided so “thank you”! The addition of wi-fi is much appreciated too.
We’ve had some wonderful walks this week and even the weather has been kind.
Can recommend the Market Tavern in Alnwick and the Lord Crewe in Bamburgh for food and the welcome received.
This is Roscoe’s favourite place on the planet!!
Thanks again…..we’ll be back!

Parrish Family – Sept 2022

Our third visit to Coldburn and it’s just as lovely as the first, if not lovlier. Thank you to Ros for making this cottage so spotlessly clean and welcoming. As ever, far too short a visit but our main purpose this time was a re-ascent of Cheviot as part of a challenge to climb to all the highest points of the National Parks – Cheviot was the last and was, predictably in cloud/mix of wild and beautifully sunny autuminal weather which makes the hills glow, and all the rain made the river crossings on walks extra fun!!
Fitted in a visit to Hay Farm to see the incredible Clydesdale horses, such a friendly place and the horses are magnificent. College Valley has a very special place in our hearts and again we are bereft at having to leave the beauty, solitude and utter peace……we’re trying to bottle it before we get in the car!!!
Meant also to say, how helpful and informative the boom of information is on the history of the valley, particularly all the plane crashes. We’ve never taken the time to read about the valley in detail before and it’s even more interesting now that we have, thank you for making the effort to do that! And if we weren’t already well and truly married ages ago, we’d definitely do it here if we had our time again!

Meaden Family – Aug 2022

A better than perfect way to relax and rejuvenate, the feeling of wilderness and peace surrounds you at Coldburn Cottage. Everything here to make you comfortable; didn’t want for anything. Changeable weather added to the joy of it all……keeps you on your toes. In the space of one week we had swum in the North Sea at Bamburgh in glorious sunshine and tramped the Cheviot Hils in waterproofs with the wind gusting around us. We are returning home better people. Thank-you.

P. Hinckley – June 2019

Coldburn is an absolute haven of peace surrounded by stunning scenery even when the rain monsooned down for 2 days, the sounds of the now torrents of water rushing over the waterfall were wonderful. Very sorry to leave. Thanks to all concerned for the chance to stay in such a beautiful place.